Isolated Incident - A Pandemic Photo Essay

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Isolated Incident - A Pandemic Photo Essay


This 32 page full color booklet is a pandemic photo essay of the 2020 lockdown in Boston, Massachusetts. Everyone felt a bit trapped and alone. The title of this series is Isolated Incident.

While being indoors with anyone from other households was ill-advised during the pandemic one year ago—being outside in limited capacities it was deemed safe. I took the opportunity to document the strange times amongst friends. We couldn’t hang out, so I photographed them from outside of their homes—not leaving the doorway or with reflections of the outside world across their faces in the windows. It would be a means to see each other in a safe manner in the scary, confusing time. 

All photos were created between April 6 and May 30, 2020. ©2021 Scott Murry

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